
Physiotherapy services available:

  • Mobilisation and manipulation of joints
  • Acupuncture and dry needling
  • Deep tissue massage
  • Sports massage
  • Taping of joints and injured tissue
  • Sports injury prevention and rehabilitation

Conditions we treat

Back and neck pain

Figures show that more that 40% of people in the UK will experience back or neck pain at some point in their lives. The good news is that something can be done, and we regularly treat people with various types of back and neck pain.

The vast majority of people with back and neck pain respond positively to an appropriate regime of physiotherapy and exercises. This helps to alleviate back pain in the short and longer term. Our physiotherapists will work to address the cause of the pain and advise you on how to build a fitter, stronger, more flexible and balanced body. If pain persists, or your symptoms don’t improve, it is important to be examined by your GP.

Disk problems and sciatica

Back pain is sometimes linked with pain in the leg, called sciatica. Sciatica is caused by an irritation of the sciatic nerve that runs from the spine to the leg.   Other symptoms include numbness and tingling in the legs and feet. The vast majority of people with back pain and sciatica respond positively to an appropriate regime of physiotherapy and exercises.

If you notice weakness of the muscles of the leg, or if you lose bladder or bowel control, you should see your GP immediately.

Joint pain and arthritis

There are many ways in which our physiotherapists can treat joint pain and arthritis. It is important to keep mobile and strong, whilst protecting your joints. A program of exercises could also be prescribed to strengthen muscles around the joint and provide stability.

Sport injuries

Whether your sports injury is acute or chronic, if pain persists, we recommend treatment by one of our physiotherapists.

Many of the common injuries we treat are: ankle sprains, Achilles tendonitis, groin strain, hamstring strain, knee joint injury, runners’ knee, shin splints, shoulder injury, and tennis/golfers elbow. Poor fitness, technique and structural abnormalities can contribute to the development of sports injuries.


Whiplash injury of the head and neck is caused by a sudden exaggerated thrust of the head backward, forward, and sometimes sideways. Abnormal forces are applied to muscles, ligaments, nerves, bones, discs and blood vessels. There is often a delay before you feel any pain or stiffness. Although whiplash can be painful, most cases improve within a few weeks or months. Gentle exercises, heat and physiotherapy help to keep the neck mobile and prevent longer term problems.

Frozen shoulder

Frozen shoulder is a condition that leads to pain and stiffness of the shoulder. It is also known as adhesive capsulitis. The symptoms tend to gradually get worse over a number of months. You will typically experience shoulder pain for the first two to nine months, which can be severe, followed by increasing stiffness. The stiffness may affect your ability to carry out everyday activities.

The condition may improve with time, but this can sometimes take several years.The earlier frozen shoulder is diagnosed, the more likely it is that treatment can help prevent long-term pain and stiffness.  Painkillers, corticosteroid injections, shoulder exercises and physiotherapy are all possible treatment options.

Tension headaches

During periods of stress the muscles at the back of our neck can become very tight and painful. This can cause pain to radiate from the neck up into our head. Relaxation, exercise, physiotherapy and acupuncture can help ease tension.

Sprains and strains

Sprains and strains are often sustained during sport and exercise, but can also occur in everyday situations, at home and in the workplace.

The initial medical management of both injuries is similar:

Protection – Stop what you are doing to prevent further injury.
Rest – Avoid excessive activity for a few days.
Ice - Apply a towel covered ice pack to the area for 10 minutes every hour.
Compression – Help reduce the swelling by applying a compression bandage.
Elevation – When resting the affected limb, elevate it to help drain the fluid (ideally higher than your heart).

Continue this management for 24-72 hours and gently begin moving the affected limb. This is crucial to avoid stiffness developing. If your symptoms fail to settle or you are concerned about the injury seek advice from your GP. Physiotherapy is often required to assist with pain relief, reduce swelling and exercise rehabilitation.


We provide rehabilitation after joint replacement and spinal surgery.

Pre and post natal pain

Many people think that pain or discomfort should be endured during pregnancy as symptoms will subside after birth, however, some symptoms can continue. Physiotherapy treatment can help alleviate the pain. We can also teach you exercises to help your body deal with the changes it is experiencing.

Repetitive strain injuries

Work related injuries are a common problem, with large amounts of people working at desks for extended periods of time. Repetitive strain injuries are often problems directly related to the working environment, such as posture and repetitive activities. Physiotherapy management will treat the painful area. It is also important to identify the cause of the pain and address this, so that we can prevent it from reoccurring.